Saturday, February 27, 2010

Busy days are just a faze....

Hello again happy bloggers! Wow time flies. I blame the lack of blogging on this being the shortest month ever. I have been having tons of fun as a new teacher. My students light up my life. Who knew 7 year olds could teach me more than I learned in college!?! I melt every morning when their smiling faces run through the door to help me with morning chores in our classroom. I love the way children don't ever need a morning "pick me up" like a quick cup of coffee. Instead, they are bright eyed and ready to learn. I am quickly learning how to catch on to their eagerness. I wake up every morning slightly groggy, but as soon as the learning begins, my attitude becomes extremely positive. God is so good, and he has blessed me with this amazing job. Despite the stress I'm feeling about the credential program and about jobs next year, I know I am blessed in so many incredible ways.

Life has a funny way of working itself out. Tonight I spent some time really looking at my scars. I have come so far since my accident in September. Right now it seems like a distant memory, but it has only been about five months since it all happened. I spend a lot of time thinking about it because the accident left me with these incredible scars. I am not embarrassed. Instead, I am intrigued. One moment in time can change everything. I had always heard that, as many of you may also realize, but I never took it to heart. Yet, it is indeed true. I love the scars on my hands. I look at them and think about how they protected my face from the hot coals. I look at my leg, and although it is not healed completely, I see exactly where it caught fire. It seems unreal to me at some points, but the scars are my reminders to feel thankful. Thankful for faith. Thankful for protection. Thankful for healing. Thankful for a beautiful life.

One of my students told me that he had a broken heart because his girlfriend of 2 days broke up with him. He is 7. He was so distraught until I gave him a green happy face sticker. Oh the rebound rate of young love is so perfect. I found that whole situation so funny. :) Gotta love all forms of love right?

Remember to feel thankful for life this month. Time is flying so quickly!! Enjoy the rest of this happy weekend pretties :)

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