Friday, January 29, 2010

As January comes to an end...

Well hello there! Again, as sad as it is to say, I sort of forgot to write. How is it already the end of January!? So many great things have come my way this month, so I am totally not complaining. Since I graduated, I have one more semester in the credential program, and then I will officially be done. However, our semester doesn't start until Monday, so I have had this whole month off to do so many fun things with the family. I am back at my own house now, but I left a little piece of my heart at my parents house. I love living on my own, but sometimes it's nice to have warm meals cooked for me in the evening and dogs to cuddle with on lazy days.
So far in 2010 I have....
*Become a substitute teacher {so fun!!}
*Become a full time student teacher {in 2nd grade}
*Ended burn treatment
*Written in my journal once a week
*Stressed out about money
*Set up a job interview {it's tomorrow!}
*Thought lots about my future
*Had lunch with my adorable grandparents
*Slept in a lot
*Had a brilliantly fun new years eve! {See picture}
*Loved every day

I think that is a pretty promising list. Especially because we have only had a month of 2010! Becoming a substitute teacher was high on the list because it was probably the most exciting thing, quickly followed by student teaching. I am loving my little 2nd graders. They have such brilliant minds and imaginations. I read them stories, play 4 square with them at recess, and watch little light bulbs go off in their heads when I work with them during math. I'm loving every minute spent with them, and I will fill you in with cute stories once I spend more time getting to know all their personalities. Teaching is exciting, but finishing up burn treatment was also such a highlight! I knew the end was near, but I guess I never thought it would come that quickly. For me, the process was long and brutal. The journey began in September, pain lasted through December, and then finally I am in little to almost no pain. The final day of treatment was a little bittersweet. I spent so much time with the doctors and nurses over the past five months, and they became my family. They were a safe haven for my nerves, and they saved my skin. Now I am left with their kindness imprinted forever on my heart :) {and a couple badass scars to prove this whole falling into a campfire actually did happen!} As I left, my doctor gave me final words of advice.
"Kait, stay away from campfires. Far away. Forever. Please!"
Such a wise man. Now only if I would have had this advice back in September...
I am now off to clean my house and enjoy my weekend! I promise to get better at blogging and staying connected to the world through this! Enjoy some cozy days this weekend pretties!

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